Fender™ Capacitor Kits |

Click on photo for
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Fender™ Electrolytic Capacitor Kits
Fender capacitor kits contain all of the main filter, decoupling filter,
bias filter and preamp cathode bypass electrolytic capacitors for most amps from
the blackface and silverface eras. |
Prices starting at $32.95 |
Click here to see the full
selection of Fender capacitor kits. |
Fender™ Potentiometer Sets |

Click on photo for
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Fender™ Potentiometer Sets
Fender potentiometer sets contain all of the potentiometers for a particular
amplifier. Large selection for many models from the 1950s up
to the present day. Most potentiometer sets for amps in the blackface and
silverface era offer a choice of metal shafts or nylon shafts. Many
kits for 60s and 70s models include the resistors which are soldered directly to
the pots. |
Prices starting at $12.95 |
Click here to see the full
selection of Fender potentiometer sets. |
Fender™ Front Panel Rehab
Kits for Vintage Blackface & Silverface (60s & 70s) |

Click on photo for
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Fender™ Front Panel Rehab Kit for one channel amplifiers For vintage Fender™ amps
made before 1980
from the original blackface and silverface eras. Not for reissues. Contains two
Switchcraft 12A switched jacks, with nuts, locking washer and trim washer, plus two 100 ohm, two 68K and one 1 Meg carbon composition resistors. Also contains a
new bright switch with screws, and a new pilot light (your choice of color.
Scratchy, intermittent jacks and bright switch? Pilot light
dim, or intermittent? This kit will take care of those problems.
Add a Potentiometer Kit for a complete front panel
component replacement. (Note:
On Bronco, Champ and Vibro Champ, the Switchcraft switch in this kit replaces the power
switch). Select lamp jewel color in options. Fits the following one-channel amplifiers:
Bronco AB764 (1967-1975), Champ AA764 (1964-1982, both blackface and
silverface), Princeton
(1963-1979), Princeton Reverb (1964-1981), VibroChamp AA764
(Blackface 1964-67, Silverface 1968-1982). Select lamp jewel color in
Part #FPRK-1-X |
$19.50 |

Click on photo for
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Fender™ Front Panel Rehab Kit for two channel amplifiers For vintage Fender™ amps
made before 1980
from the original blackface and silverface eras. Not for reissues.
Contains four Switchcraft 12A switched jacks, with nuts, locking washer and trim
washer, plus four 68K and two 1 Meg carbon composition resistors. Also
contains two new bright switches with screws, and a new pilot light (your choice
of color). Scratchy, intermittent jacks and bright switch?
Pilot light dim, or intermittent? This kit will take care of those
problems. Add a Potentiometer Kit for a
complete front panel component replacement.
Bandmaster (1964-1975), Bandmaster Reverb (1968-1980), Bantam Bass (1969-1971), Bassman (1964-1982), Bassman 10 (Silverface 1972-1982), Concert (1964-1965 Blackface), Deluxe (1963-1966), Deluxe Reverb (1963-1982), Dual Showman
(1967-69 Silverface), Dual Showman Reverb (1968-1981), Pro (1964-1965 Blackface), Pro Reverb (1965-1982 Blackface and
Silverface), Quad Reverb (1972-1979 Silverface) Showman (1964-1967 Blackface), Showman (1968-1970 Silverface), Super
Reverb (1963-1981 Blackface and Silverface), Super Six Reverb (1972-1979), Tremolux (1964-1966 Blackface), Twin Reverb (1963-1982 Blackface and Silverface), Vibrolux (1964 Blackface), Vibrolux Reverb (1964-1982
Blackface and Silverface), Vibrosonic (1972-1981 Silverface), Vibroverb
(1964 Blackface).
Select lamp jewel color in options.
Part #FPRK-2-X |
$30.95 |
Fender™ Input Jack Replacement
Kits for Vintage
Tweed, Blonde, Brown, Blackface & Silverface (50s, 60s & 70s) |

Click on photo for
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Fender™ Input Jack Replacement Kit for one channel amplifiers (or for just one
channel of a two-channel amp). For vintage Fender™ amps
made before 1980
from the original tweed, blonde, brown, blackface and silverface eras. Contains two
Switchcraft 12A switched jacks, with nuts, locking washer and trim washer, plus two 68K and one 1 Meg carbon composition resistors. This is the
input circuit replacement kit for the following one-channel amplifiers:
Bronco AB764 (1967-1975), Champ AA764 (1964-1982, both blackface and silverface), Champ 5E1 (1955-1956), Champ 5F1 (1956-1964), Princeton
(1963-1979), Princeton Reverb (1964-1981), VibroChamp AA764
(Blackface 1964-67, Silverface 1968-1982). Note: Does
NOT work with the Fender Super Twin, 300PS, or Fender 75.
Part #FJK-1 |
$9.95 |

Click on photo for
larger view |
Fender™ Input Jack Replacement Kit for two channel amplifiers. For vintage Fender™ amps
made before 1980
from the original tweed, blonde, brown, blackface and silverface eras. Contains
Switchcraft 12A switched jacks, with nuts, locking washer and trim washer, plus
four 68K and two 1 Meg carbon composition resistors. This is the
input circuit replacement kit for the following two-channel amplifiers:
Bandmaster (1956-1975), Bandmaster Reverb (1968-1980), Bantam Bass (1969-1971), Bassman (1961-1982), Bassman 10 (Silverface 1972-1982), Concert (1959-1965 Brown
and Blackface), Deluxe (1963-1966), Deluxe Reverb (1963-1982), Dual Showman
(1967-69 Silverface), Dual Showman Reverb (1968-1981), Harvard 6G10 (1955-1962
Tweed), Pro (1960-1965 Brown and Blackface), Pro Reverb (1965-1982 Blackface and
Silverface), Quad Reverb (1972-1979 Silverface) Showman (1960-1967 Blonde and
Blackface), Showman (1968-1970 Silverface), Super (1960-1963 Brown), Super
Reverb (1963-1981 Blackface and Silverface), Super Six Reverb (1972-1979),
Tremolux (1955-1966 Tweed, Blonde and Blackface), Twin (1958-1963 Tweed and
Blonde), Twin Reverb (1963-1982 Blackface and Silverface), Vibrosonic (1959-1963
Brown), Vibrolux (1961-1964 Brown and Blackface), Vibrolux Reverb (1964-1982
Blackface and Silverface), Vibrosonic (1972-1981 Silverface), Vibroverb
(1963-1964 Brown and Blackface).
Part #FJK-2 |
$19.95 |
Fender™ Rear Panel Jack Replacement
Kits for Vintage Blackface & Silverface (60s & 70s) |

Click on photo for
larger view |
Fender™ Rear Panel Jack Replacement Kit for Blackface and Silverface amps
(1960s/1970s) For vintage Fender™ amps
made before 1980
from the original blackface and silverface eras. For all models
which have both Vibrato and Reverb, and whose back panel looks similar to
the one shown below. Contains the two speaker jacks and the four
reverb/vibrato RCA jacks.

Part #FRJK-1 |
$14.95 |
Fender™ Power Tube Socket
Replacement Kits for Vintage
Blackface & Silverface (60s & 70s) |

Click on photo for
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Fender™ Vintage Amp (60s Blackface and 70s Silverface) Power Tube Socket
replacement kit. For vintage Fender™ amps (NOT Reissues!)
from the original blackface and silverface eras which have two power tubes (6L6
or 6V6). Contains two phenolic 8-pin sockets, two "bear trap" retainers, four
mounting screws, two 470 ohm screen grid resistors (Metal-Film Flameproof for
safety), and two carbon composition 1500 ohm control grid resistors.
Princeton and Princeton Reverb do not need the resistors.
Perfect for Vibrolux Reverb, Vibroverb, Super Reverb, Deluxe Reverb, Pro Reverb,
Bassman, Bandmaster Reverb, Tremolux, etc.
Part #FPTSK-2 |
$13.95 |

Click on photo for
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Fender™ Vintage Amp (60s Blackface and 70s Silverface) Power Tube Socket
replacement kit. For vintage Fender™ amps (NOT Reissues!)
from the original blackface and silverface eras which have four power tubes
(6L6). Contains four phenolic 8-pin sockets, four "bear trap" retainers,
eight mounting screws, four 470 ohm screen grid resistors (Metal-Film Flameproof
for safety), and four carbon composition 1500 ohm control grid resistors.
Perfect for Twin Reverb, Showman and Dual Showman, Quad Reverb, Bassman 100,
Part #FPTSK-4 |
$26.95 |
Fender™ Vibrato Rebuild Kits
and other parts for the Vibrato circuit. Vintage
Blackface & Silverface (1963-1981) |

Click on photo for
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For all vintage blackface and
silverface Fender amplifiers with opto-isolator type vibrato from the 1963-1981 era (not reissue
models). This would include most all 60s and 70s Fender amps with
vibrato except for the Bronco, Vibro-Champ, Princeton, or Princeton Reverb - kit
will not work on those models. If you have vibrato problems, changing the vibrato 12AX7
oscillator tube should be the first step (2nd preamp tube away from the power
If that does not solve the problem, changing the components contained in this kit
should do the trick. Contains 3 phase shift ceramic disc capacitors,
two resistors
and one opto-isolator. More info here.
Part #VRK-1 |
$16.95 |

Click on photo for
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Used in the vibrato circuit of vintage Fender™ Blackface and Silverface amps.
Replaces Fender™ part number 0037836000

Part #LDR-1020 |
$9.95 |
CAPACITOR, CERAMIC DISC, RADIAL. Replacement for the ceramic disc
vibrato phase shift capacitors in vintage Blackface and Silverface Fender™
amplifiers from the 60s and 70s. Rated at 500 volts. Available in .01uF and .02uF (See Options
to select value) Tips: (1) If you would like to slow down the
vibrato speed range (popular for jazz players): There are three caps in
the vibrato phase shift circuit - two .01s and a .02. You can slow the
vibrato speed down by replacing the .01s with .02s (so that all three ceramic
disc caps are .02). (2) Background ticking sound in the vibrato?
Install a .02 cap from ground to the leg of the optoisolator that connects to
the 10 Meg resistor (brown/black/blue).
Part #C-CD-XX |
$0.75 |

Click on photo for
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CAPACITOR, CERAMIC DISC, RADIAL. Replacement for the ceramic disc
120pF "Bright Switch" capacitor in larger Fender Blackface and Silverface amps.
Capacitor is soldered to terminals on the Bright Switch on both channes.
Turning on the Bright Switch at lower volume allows more higher frequency tones
through the amp circuitry, producing a brighter sound.
Part #C-CD-120PF |
$0.75 |

Click on photo for
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Revisit™ - GOLD-PLATED. Did you know that on
vintage Fender™ amps (Blackface, Silverface), the reverb
will work without a footswitch plugged in, but the vibrato will not?
This handy-dandy little RCA shorting plug will fix that problem, if you do
not own or prefer not to use a footswitch on your vintage 60s or 70s Fender™
amp. This version is made of gold-plated brass for a low
resistance connection and highest immunity to oxidation. Just plug this little RCA plug gadget into the vibrato
footswitch jack on the back panel, and your vibrato will come alive.
Turn the intensity knob to zero to cut out the vibrato when this plug is
inserted. Note: Does not apply to Bronco, Vibro Champ, Princeton, or Princeton Reverb
amps. Inserting this plug turns the vibrato off in those models, removing
the plug turns it on.
Part #FSP-200
Fender™ Jewel
Kits |

Click on photo for
larger view |
REPLACEMENT PILOT LAMP JEWEL KIT, Fender™, Peavey™, Mesa/Boogie™ , many
others. Kit of 6 jewels - change your light color as often as you
like. Contains one each red, amber, green, blue, violet and clear.
Part #JLK-115 |
$14.99 |
Fender™ Switch
Kits |

Click on photo for
larger view |
SWITCHES: Two Carling™
SPST toggle switches and one
SPDT toggle switch.
Original replacement for 60s and 70s Fender™ Amps (Power, standby, and ground
Change the power, standby, and ground switches on your Fender™ at the same time, and
Part #SW-4945 |
$23.95 |
Fender™ Knob
Sets |

Click on photo for
larger view |
KNOB, Fender™ Style, Vintage Cream,
Set of 6
Fender™ part number 0990933000.
"Fender™ Barrel" knob, cream white with brass inset and set-screw as used by:
Fender™ 1960-1964 for the Fender™ Bassman, Showman and Bandmaster Amp, and for
several Fender™ Custom Shop and Fender™ Reissue amps:
Tone Master, Custom Vibrolux Reverb, Vibroking, Super Sonic Amp (blonde) etc.
Set of 6 knobs.
Part #K-315-6 |
(for pack of 6 knobs) |
Amp Trim Refurb Kits |

Click on photo for
larger view |

1960s blackface and pre-1975 silverface Fender™ Twin Reverb, Super Reverb, Pro Amp, Pro
Reverb, Concert, Vibrosonic models which use 5 5/8" long chassis straps.
(Not designed for the Blackface or Silverface REISSUES. NOT for
vintage Fender™ Speaker Cabinets or Heads, such as Bassman, Bandmaster, Showman,
Tremolux, etc. Not for the Bassman Ten Combo.)
Model not listed? - Contact us. Not for amps made after 1974,
not for reissued blackface and silverface amps. Contains original
Fender™ handle with mounting hardware, 5 5/8" chassis straps with bolts and keps
nickel 15/16" glides, set of cabinet corners with mounting screws.
Spruce up the looks of your vintage amp! For additional
refurbishing, see the Fender™ logo plates here,
Fender™ knobs here, Fender™ lamp jewels
here and Fender™ casters
Part #FRK-5 |
$34.95 |

Click on photo for
larger view |
Fender™ MEDIUM
1960s blackface and pre-1975 silverface Fender™ Deluxe, Deluxe Reverb, Princeton,
Princeton Reverb, Tremolux, Musicmaster Bass, Vibrolux Reverb models which use 4 5/8" long chassis straps. (Not designed for the Blackface or Silverface REISSUES. NOT for
vintage Fender™ Speaker Cabinets or Heads, such as Bassman, Bandmaster, Showman,
Tremolux, etc. Not for the Bassman Ten Combo.)
Model not listed? - Contact us. Not for amps made after 1974,
not for reissued blackface and silverface amps. Contains original
Fender™ handle with mounting hardware, 4 5/8" chassis straps with bolts and keps
nickel 15/16" glides, set of cabinet corners with mounting screws.
Spruce up the looks of your vintage amp! For additional
refurbishing, see the Fender™ logo plates here,
Fender™ knobs here, Fender™ lamp jewels
here and Fender™ casters
Part #FRK-4 |
$33.95 |

Click on photo for
larger view |
Fender™ SMALL
1960s and pre-1975 silverface Fender™ Champ, Vibro Champ, Bronco models which
use 3 5/8" long chassis straps.
Model not listed? - Contact us. Not for amps made after 1974,
not for reissued blackface and silverface amps. Contains original
Fender™ handle with mounting hardware, 3 5/8" chassis straps with bolts and keps
nickel 15/16" glides.
Spruce up the looks of your vintage amp! For additional
refurbishing, see the Fender™ logo plates here,
Fender™ lamp jewels here and Fender™ knobs here
Part #FRK-3 |
$26.95 |
Pots for Blonde and Brown
Series Amps from
1960-1963 (Brownface)
(Not Reissues) |
Fender amps from 1960-1963 underwent many design
changes, as Leo Fender was in a period of experimentation to achieve the
ultimate Fender sound, so it is very difficult to assemble accurate Potentiometer Kits.
We do offer these individual pots which cover most of the needs of the "brownface"
era. For the model number and version, look on the tube chart
in the back of the amp. |

Click on photo for
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Revisit™, 24MM,
24 mm carbon composition,
300° rotation. 1/2 watt, 500VDC rating. 1/4" diameter shaft, 3/8"
diameter bushing, solder lugs.
For hand-wired American made amplifiers such as vintage Fender™ and others. For a downloadable pot cross-reference for Fender brownface models, click here.
Part #P-FBF-XX |
Starting at
$2.95 |

Click on photo for
larger view
Revisit™, 24MM,
24 mm carbon composition,
300° rotation. 1/2 watt, 500VDC rating. 1/4" diameter shaft, 8mm
diameter bushing, solder lugs.
For hand-wired American made amplifiers such as vintage Fender™ and others. For a downloadable pot cross-reference for Fender brownface models, click here.
Part #P-FBF-XX |
Starting at
$3.95 |

Click on photo for
larger view |
, 350K AUDIO
16mm carbon composition. 300° rotation. 1/2 watt, 500VDC rating. 1/4" diameter shaft,
9mm" bushing, solder lugs. Special manufacture, to replace the treble pots on
certain Fender™ 1961-1963 Brownface models, such as Bassman 6G6, Concert 6G12A,
Pro 6G5A, Showman 6G14, Super 6G4A, Tremolux 6G9, Vibrolux 6G11, and the
Vibroverb 6G16. For a downloadable pot cross-reference for Fender
brownface models, click here.
Part #P-FBF-350KA-70KT |
$4.95 |
Pots for Original Tweed Amps from 1947-1959
(Not Reissues) |

Click on photo for
larger view
Revisit™, 24MM,
24 mm carbon composition,
300° rotation. 1/2 watt, 500VDC rating. 1/4" diameter shaft, 3/8"
diameter bushing, solder lugs.
For hand-wired American made amplifiers such as vintage Fender™ and others. For a downloadable pot cross-reference for Fender brownface models, click here.
Part #P-FBF-XX |
Starting at
$2.95 |

Click on photo for
larger view
Revisit™, 24MM,
24 mm carbon composition,
300° rotation. 1/2 watt, 500VDC rating. 1/4" diameter shaft, 8mm
diameter bushing, solder lugs.
For hand-wired American made amplifiers such as vintage Fender™ and others. For a downloadable pot cross-reference for Fender brownface models, click here.
Part #P-FBF-XX |
Starting at
$3.95 |

Click on photo for
larger view
24 mm carbon composition.
rotation. 1/2 watt, 500VDC rating. 1/4" diameter shaft, 3/8" bushing, solder
lugs, with rotary SPST (two terminal) switch. Replacement for the
volume control with AC switch on the 5C1 Champ, 5E1 Champ, 5F1 Champ, 5B3
Deluxe. Replacement for the tone control with AC switch on the 5B2
Princeton, 5C2 Princeton, and 5D2 Princeton. For a downloadable pot
cross-reference for Fender tweed models,
click here.
Part #P-FBF-1MA-RS |
$4.95 |
Fender™ Modification Kits |

(Picture for illustrative purposes only - actual kit components will vary from this photo)
Revisit™ This kit changes the circuit design of your late
60s or 70s vintage Silverface Fender™ Amp to the original "Blackface" amps of
the early-to-mid 60s. Most players agree that the pre-CBS blackface
amps sounded much better than the silverface successors designed
by the CBS engineers. With this kit, you can take your amp back to
the Leo Fender design. In addition, you also restore the bias-setting
capability of the amp in place of the "balance" control.
These modifications are completely
reversible, and no permanent changes to the chassis (such as drilling holes,
etc) are required. The kit includes 9 resistors, 4 capacitors and
instructions. Note: This kit does NOT apply to the silverface
Bantam Bassman, Bassman, Bassman Ten, Bronco, Champ, Deluxe Reverb, Musicmaster
Bassman, Princeton Reverb, or VibroChamp.

Part #FBK-1 |
$11.95 |

(Picture for illustrative purposes only - actual kit components will vary from this photo)
AND SILVERFACE This kit changes the circuit design
of the vibrato to slow down the slow end of the vibrato speed control
considerably, giving a much wider usable speed range. Fast
speed remains virtually unchanged, and the intensity remains the same.
Jazz players especially love the slower vibrato. The official Fender vibrato "tick cure" is also included in this kit, as listed
on a Fender service bulletin from several years ago. This kit is applicable
to all two-channel vintage Blackface and Silverface amps from the 1960-1970 era.
This kit does not apply to Bronco, Princeton or VibroChamp
circuits. Kit includes necessary parts and instructions.
Soldering capability is required.

Part #FSVK-100 |
$3.50 |

(Picture for illustrative purposes only - actual kit components will vary from this photo)
Revisit™ FOR REISSUE AMPS This kit changes the circuit design
of the vibrato to slow down the slow end of the vibrato speed control
considerably, giving a much wider usable speed range.
Fast speed remains virtually unchanged, and the intensity remains the same.
Fits `65 Twin Reverb™
Reissue, `65 Super Reverb™ Reissue, `65 Deluxe Reverb™ Reissue, '65 Princeton
Reverb™ Reissue, `68 Custom Twin Reverb™, `65 Custom Super Reverb™, `68 Custom
Deluxe Reverb™, '68 Custom Princeton Reverb™.
Kit includes necessary parts and instructions.
Soldering capability is required.

Part #FRSVK |
$1.25 |
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